Category: Small Business

Bookkeeping Secrets Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

Bookkeeping:  love it or hate it, it’s a necessary part of running your business.  Without it, you have know idea how you are doing financially.  You can’t convey to investors that you are deserving of their attention.  How will you convince the bank that you deserve a loan?  Here are some secrets to making the […]

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Chew on This: Meals and Entertainment Expenses

IRS Notice 2018-76 clarifies the new rules around food and beverage deductions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).  The TCJA eliminated the traditional 50% deduction for business meals and entertainment, effective in 2018.  Therefore, businesses can no longer deduct the cost of expenses relating to entertainment, such as the cost of sporting or […]

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Apps To Help Power Your Small Business

Today’s smart phones and tablets do so much more than just keep us connected to our friends, family, and business associates.  They are also powerful business tools capable of tracking mileage, tallying expenses, and capturing your next business idea.  Here are a few of my favorite apps that you may find useful as a small […]

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